Who is Elçin Sümer?
Elçin Sümer is a sculptor, interior architect and jewelry designer, who blends many significant personal skills in herself. She successfully manages to combine all her talents by utilizing the macro perspective she acquired from a variety of disciplines, and elevates the concept of jewelry to higher grounds, into a form of art.
Elçin’s point of view of life is founded on 3 well-built pillars:
Not only the superficial. In addition to the physical qualities, going deeper in observations with the purpose of reaching out to the intellectual and spiritual layers of people and objects. Learning from these experiences, and aiming to be content.
Knowledge, experience, calculations and creativity are indispensable elements of a whole that is needed to create superior artworks. Furthermore, comprehension is also essential. The piece of art that is brought to life must be alive, not dead. Experimenting, alterations and restructuring must evolve it even further. A work of art can improve and blossom due to this. Its foundations can be rediscovered and in a better way. It also prepares a healthy and stronger soil platform in which the later artworks will sprout in.
Human body is a miracle on its own. But it shines out when complemented with the convenient items. This glitter enlightens the person in all dimensions, and enhances her/his inner power, energy and level of happiness. Elçin discovers these crucial compatibility dynamics and enriches the Guidebook of Harmony in her mind. This accumulation of knowledge, also reflects on her works.

What She Does?
Elçin focuses her practices on 3 main fields. She is ready to offer her services in those ares. Click on icons to learn more about them.